What was its mandate? Where is the script IT placed in my hand? Who sent me on this strange errand? Or was it—No! No! too horrible! And yet—and yet, how came I here?
In the immobile immensities, where renascence and decay and the plexed dream called Life were still unsensed— Before I aggregated, Before I anealed into an I, Before the first stratum of lust was laid, Before the dispart from the ALL In the immobile immensities something was ordered of me; I was sent on an errand!
Hey ho! I have dallied with mortals too long, Yet I dare not return without the thing done. Or was it—No! No! too horrible!
Publication History
The Shadow-Eater [1915/17 and 1923]
1923 Edition Text Changes
- its mandate > Its mandate
- IT > It
- immensities, where > immensities, ⁋ Where
- anealed > annealed
- ALL > All