It is well thou art hid, O Lord, and sittest with glued lips fast on thy throne beyond the yellow disk of day. Up from the slime I came, a Caliban blaspheming, leaning on crutch, superb hate in my eye, peering through bramble and forest for THEE. Aeons ago was I thus, and now I am here, still evolving, planted firmly on two feet, almost at thy heels, not vexed, as cunning as thou, O Lord of the vortices, fiend in the flux! Linked to Prometheus, linked to great Lucifer, I'll meet thee at the GREAT CROSSWAYS and heal thee forever of the disease of creating.
Publication History
The Shadow-Eater [1915/17 and 1923]
1923 Edition Text Changes
- O Lord, and > O Lord, ⁋ And
- eye, peering > eye, ⁋ Peering
- THEE > thee
- evolving, planted > evolving, ⁋ Planted
- [New stanza at “Linked to Prometheus…”]
- Lucifer, I’ll > Lucifer, ⁋ I’ll
- GREAT CROSSWAYS and > Great Crossways ⁋ And